The Frighteners (1996)

The Frighteners (1996)

  • Release Date:  1996
  • Genre:  Comedy, Ghost & Spirit
  • Director:  Peter Jackson
  • Screenwriter:  Fran Walsh, Peter Jackson

The Frighteners (1996)Rating:

  • Dylan = 7.5 / 10;
  • Eloise = 8 / 10;
  • Raoul = 8 / 10;

The Frighteners (1996) Synopsis:

Frank is a young psychic who can see the dead and uses his talent to make an unethical business. As mysterious deaths plague the city, he and his team of ghosts will try to save the beautiful Lucy.

The Frighteners (1996) Review:

After Bad Taste, Meet The Feebles and Braindead, The Frighteners came as the fourth horror comedy by Peter Jackson, and its last film of the genre. It seems that during these years Jackson has been diluting his horror style to orientate it towards a larger audience. Bad Taste and Meet The Feebles were true “genre film”, the first one being highly absurd and the second one an UFO of perversity and sadistic humor. Braindead, despite its high amount of gore, already appeared as a more cheesy comedy. With The Frighteners, Peter Jackson gives us a film which, apart from a couple of dirty jokes, could be easily classified as a “family” movie.

The Frighteners (1996) Cast:

Michael J. Fox Michael J. Fox Frank Bannister
Trini Alvarado Trini Alvarado Dr. Lucy Lynskey


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