The Crazies (2010)
The Crazies (2010) Rating:
- Dylan = 8.5 / 10;
- Eloise = 8 / 10;
- Raoul = 8 / 10;
The Crazies (2010) Synopsis:
A virus, released in the town water supply, spreads a killing frenzy amongst the inhabitants of the small farmer’s town.
The Crazies (2010) Review:
This remake of Georges A. Romero 1973’s classic of the same name is globally similar to the original, but with a plot that goes much more into the details, explaining for example the causes of the virus. As a direct effect, these multiples justifications do a great job at immersing the audience into the crazy atmosphere of the movie. You can watch your favorite movies on android mobiles.
Whereas the original focused on the action taken by the police to contain the epidemic, this new version focuses on the inhabitants themselves. This remake is therefore closer to a classic virus/zombie movie, but somehow works a little better, making the film more captivating than the original.
Another difference is the pace of the film. Whereas the original was pretty slow, this remake brings on the action. The killing and hunting scenes are really intense and the overall film well-realized. The infected are really frightening and some of the scenes such as the pitch fork one, will haunt you for quite some time.
All this makes this movie a wonderful stand alone, as well as one of the rare remake to surpass the original. My only regret was that they didn’t play enough on the psychological aspect over who’s infected and who’s not. Recommended to both those who have liked, and those who haven’t liked the original. Also, if you’re one of those top geeks of English horror films, then you’ll like this one.
Also, read about:
The Crazies (2010) Cast
Watch The Crazies Online
Sadly The Crazies isn’t available on any online streaming platform which means that you cannot watch at online. However, if you like to watch movies on your smartphone, Xiaometry has an article on the best streaming apps for your smartphone. Check that out if you’re interested.