The Crazies (1973)


The Crazies (1973)

  • Release Date:  1973
  • Genre:  Virus
  • Director:  George A. Romero
  • Screenwriter:  George A. Romero, Paul McCollough

The Crazies (1973) Rating:

  • Dylan = 7 / 10;
  • Raoul = 6 / 10;

The Crazies (1973) Synopsis:

In a small town in Pennsylvania, the army will try their best to contain a loose virus that drives the inhabitants crazy.

The Crazies (1973) Review:

The Crazies is one of Romero’s first horror film (after Night of the Living Dead and the lesser known Season of the Witch).

The film is a mix between a classic virus film (e.g. Outbreak or Contagion) and a classic zombie film in the pure Romero style (Night, Dawn and Day of the Dead). Surprisingly, the film focuses more on the army and its strategy to block the outbreak rather than on the victims themselves (like any zombie film would otherwise do). This gives an interesting aspect to the story. The feeling of mass panic is realistic and the movie really success at creating a chaotic atmosphere.

Because the film doesn’t show any zombies or supernatural creatures, it is easier to identify to the situation and I found myself wondering, during many scenes, what you I would have done in such situations.

On the least bright side, I found the political moments to be really lengthy, and I was longing for the horror moments a little too often. The Crazies, shot with cheap special effects and a low budget, has grown terribly old and is sometimes a bit hard to watch (in my opinion at least). Horror movie geeks will want to try it nevertheless, just because it is Romero.

The Crazies (1973) Cast

Lane Carroll Lane Carroll Judy
Will MacMillan Will MacMillan David (as W.G. McMillan)
Harold Wayne Jones Harold Wayne Jones Clank
Lloyd Hollar Lloyd Hollar Col. Peckem
Lynn Lowry Lynn Lowry Kathy
Richard Liberty Richard Liberty Artie
Richard France Richard France Dr. Watts
Harry Spillman Harry Spillman Maj. Ryder
Will Disney Will Disney Dr. Brookmyre
Edith Bell Edith Bell Lab. Technician
Bill Thunhurst Bill Thunhurst Brubaker (as W.L. Thunhurst Jr.)
Leland Starnes Leland Starnes Shelby
A.C. McDonald A.C. McDonald Gen. Bowen (as A.C. MacDonald)
Robert J. McCully Robert J. McCully Hawks
Robert Karlowsky Robert Karlowsky Sheriff Cooper

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